Orthodontic work is necessary to provide patients of all ages a functional and aesthetically pleasing smile, and it is a universal rule that the earlier an individual receives orthodontic treatment, the more effective the treatment will be. We recommend that all of our patients allow their children to benefit from interceptive orthodontic treatment to ensure that their teeth grow in evenly and healthfully. In the following video, Dr. Steven J. Hietanen explains interceptive orthodontic treatment, what age is best to get started with treatment, and how it can benefit patients.
If you or a loved one is interested in interceptive orthodontic treatment, please contact our office to arrange a free orthodontic consultation at one of our five convenient locations throughout Western New York. We welcome the opportunity to help you achieve the healthy, beautiful smile you deserve.
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Interceptive Orthodontic Treatment Explained
The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that patients be seen by an orthodontist by age seven. This is primarily because patients seen at an early age benefit most from orthodontic treatment. Early orthodontic treatment enables the orthodontist to incorporate interceptive principles into their treatment. Interceptive orthodontic treatment focuses on recognizing problems in a patient’s mouth early on and subsequently correcting the contributing condition before it becomes a bigger issue.
Correcting a malocclusion or bad bite early on leads to a better functional relationship between the upper and lower jaw. These functional relationships in turn work to promote favorable growth during development. When referring to an interceptive orthodontic treatment, we are speaking about working on things that occur early in a patient’s childhood development. We then try to adjust them in the hope that the patient will require less orthodontic treatment later.
We encourage parents to keep an eye out for certain issues such as crowded or misplaced teeth, difficulty chewing or biting, mouth breathing, thumb sucking, or popping jaws. If you notice these issues, it is likely that your child needs to see an orthodontist. The longer you wait to get these symptoms treated, the more likely the issue will require more invasive treatment in the future. The sooner we can identify and correct the issue, the better results we can achieve with the least invasive treatment plan.
If you or a loved one has questions about interceptive orthodontic treatment and how it may benefit you, contact our office to schedule a free screening for your child. At Orthodontists Associates of Western New York, our reputation as a leader in orthodontic care is based on one thing, making a healthy and beautiful smile. Let our experience work for you.
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