
Orthodontic Treatment Benefits

Benefits of Orthodontics Orthodontist in Buffalo, NY

If your child’s teeth are naturally uneven or there is an issue with her or his jaw alignment, it is in your best interest to consult with an orthodontist as early as possible. Building this relationship is among one of the many benefits of orthodontic treatment, and you can learn about some of the other advantages below in the following video by Dr. Steven Hietanen, an experienced Buffalo orthodontist.

Benefits of Orthodontic Treatment

The main benefits of orthodontics include creating a dental foundation. This foundation provides stability in an occlusion, for joints that are healthy, and for the future of that patient’s dentistry. When patients who have been in for orthodontic treatment see their general dentist for routine checkups and cleanings, they are often considered some of the best patients in that dentist’s office. One of the foundational benefits of an orthodontic treatment is the opportunity to teach patients. We teach them to care for their teeth for a lifetime, compared with members of the population who don’t seek regular dental care.

Some additional benefits our patients have experienced upon completion of their orthodontic treatment include:

  • Improved function and ability to eat foods that they previously were afraid to, or unable to chew.
  • Improved speech and self-esteem, especially with patients suffering from speech impairments.
  • Many patients find it easier to brush and floss their teeth once they complete orthodontic treatment.
  • Reduction in overall tooth pain from grinding or chipping of the teeth.
  • Reduction in cavities and/or gum disease.

Our doctors and professional staff are committed to delivering the highest quality patient care. We proudly provide orthodontic treatment for children, adolescents, and adults, specializing in early treatment for children. Doctors Dominic A. Colarusso, Jr., Steven J. Hietanen, and Andrew J. Dusel have equipped their offices with cutting-edge technology and computerized systems to provide excellence in diagnosis and treatment planning.

There are many common orthodontic problems. We recommend you schedule a free orthodontic screening with our Buffalo orthodontists if you or a loved one is experiencing any of the following symptoms:

  • Thumb sucking or other similar habits.
  • Difficulty chewing food, or biting.
  • Mouth breathing due to an obstructed airway.
  • Frequent biting of your cheek or upper roof of your mouth.
  • Face asymmetry or imbalance.
  • Constant grinding or clenching of your teeth or jaw.
  • Teeth that are protruding when you close your mouth.
  • You are having difficulty speaking, or experiencing impaired speech.

We believe that a beautiful, healthy smile is an asset to any patient.  This is because a beautiful smile helps promote self-esteem, self-confidence and self-image.  Orthodontic treatment brings the face, lips and teeth into proper proportion, as well as correcting problems with the occlusion (the way the teeth come together when the jaws close).  Well-aligned teeth are easier to clean, creating better overall oral hygiene, thereby increasing the chances that your beautiful smile will last a lifetime.  Furthermore, studies have shown that a healthier mouth can lead to a healthier YOU!

If you or a loved one has a question about the benefits of orthodontic treatment, contact one of our convenient 4 office locations to arrange a free screening today.

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